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The Public Sector Pay Commission

The Public Sector Pay Commission

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Pay Restoration – The Story So Far (November 2017)

Pay Restoration – The Story So Far (November 2017)

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Pay Restoration – The Story So Far

Pay Restoration – The Story So Far

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Assistant Secretary Remuneration – Pay Comparisons

Assistant Secretary Remuneration – Pay Comparisons

The Association has from time to time commissioned independent experts to establish comparisons of remuneration for senior grades in the […]

Restoration of Pay and Pensions & Resumption of Incremental Scales

Restoration of Pay and Pensions & Resumption of Incremental Scales

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Sunday Business Post Article – Clarification from the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform

Sunday Business Post Article – Clarification from the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform

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SPS Executive Leadership Programme

SPS Executive Leadership Programme

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Performance Management for Assistant Secretaries

Performance Management for Assistant Secretaries

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SCSA Accounts 2016

SCSA Accounts 2016

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Sunday Business Post Article

Sunday Business Post Article

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Restoration of Pay and Pensions & Resumption of Incremental Scales

Restoration of Pay and Pensions & Resumption of Incremental Scales

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Update on Assistant Secretary Performance Management Pilot

Update on Assistant Secretary Performance Management Pilot

The Assistant Secretary Performance Management pilot process (see earlier post) has been concluded. A Senior Public Service event has been […]