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Annual Dinner 2025 of the Senior Civil Service Association on Thursday 27 February 2025 in the Iveagh Suite, Conrad Hotel, Dublin 2

The Annual Dinner of the Senior Civil Service Association will be held on Thursday 27 February at 18.30 in the Iveigh Suite. of the. Conrad Hotel, Dublin 2. The event is open to all Members and Associate Members and an email has been sent to all members inviting attendance.

As you know the Association resumed its Annual Dinner event in March 2024 after a hiatus of some years. The evening in the Conrad Hotel was relaxed, informal and greatly enjoyed by attendees.  The dinner is a wonderful opportunity to relax and network with colleagues.

There is a numbers limit of 50 for the venue.  As we will have some invited guests the number of available seats will be less than 50 so I would urge you to confirm attendance NOW by using the painless and speedy booking link below.The format of the evening is broadly as follows:

18.30    Pre-Dinner Drinks Reception (in the Iveagh Suite which has a full bar)

19.30    Dinner in the Iveagh Suite

look no22.00    Conclusion of Dinner

22.00    Post-Dinner Relaxation (Iveagh Suite)

As is usual the Association will be heavily subsidising the event so the cost is retained at just €30. 

Please see the link just below. to book and pay the €30 fee for attendance at the dinner.  All that is required is the completion of a very brief form (name, mobile no., official email etc.), payment of the €30 fee and you will receive an email notification confirming both your payment and your attendance. The link is:

If you know of recently retired members they may also attend once they join as Associate Members which they can do by filling out this brief form at and then letting the Secretary know that they wish to attend the dinner by emailing ““. So please book now and put a placeholder in your diaries.

The Board and I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Dinner.

With kind regards,

John Roycroft
