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Presentation to Assistant Secretary Network (March 2020)

On 6 March 2020, Board member Andrew Munro (then Department of the Taoiseach, now Department of Justice) delivered a presentation to the Assistant Secretary Network on the work of the Association and the challenges which we face in order to secure the Association’s future viability. The meeting was attended by a cohort of some 35-40 Assistant Secretaries.

The slides upon which the presentation was based can be downloaded here.

Time was limited but a short Q&A was permitted. The general consensus of those who spoke was that there remains a need for a strong voice to represent the interests of the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Secretary grades in the civil service.

The Association would like to thank the ASN for their cooperation in facilitating the presentation. The intention was to follow up this initial engagement at further meetings of the ASN but unfortunately this has had to be put on hold on account of Covid-19 restrictions.

In the meantime, the Board would welcome input from members in regard to the role of the Association. Views can be emailed to